

Gangster or investigator or spy silhouette on natural wooden wal


  1. Maintenant que de nombreuses personnes utilisent des téléphones intelligents, nous pouvons envisager le positionnement des téléphones mobiles via des réseaux sans fil ou des stations de base.

  2. Exactly For example, ffmpeg’s video encoders are multi-threaded and will happily use more than one CPU core to convert videos So even if you use a bash “for” command to sequentially transcode a set of video files, it will not be limited to a single thread/coreHowever, if you have a 16-core (or more) monster like a Threadripper or EPYC, you can speed up processing even further by using GNU parallel to run multiple instances of ffmpeg, allowing you to to convert at least 4 videos concurrently

  3. This is what I’m thinking aswell There’s 255 ones up for grabs, and if you actually manage to use all of those, it’s trivial to expand aswellAnd then I read the part about ULA!? Almost as if the ipv6 adresses are too long and bulky to use locally?I like the general idea behind ipv6 but then they went and got stupid, and that’s why it’s basically not in use (Oh but the whole internet uses it blah you say) Basically not in useHad it just been 00000000000019216801 then everyone and their mother would have had this in all of their gadgets since 15 years ago!Instead it’s still almost impossible to just set up for a normal mortal, and why??Actually returning to the smart home i started with: all good and dandy locally since the local units can have a local ipv4 and you will have to hire staff to maintain your units before to run out of adress space So the only real usecase is when you want to add a non local unit and have it talk to a specific unit in your local net Or maybe several specific units This is nontrivial with ipv4Although now you also have two exposed interfaces towards the internet that you need to make sure to lock down and keep updated, you should probably add a firewall or routing device either end and well you could use that to just expand your local net to the remote location, vpn?Which is to say, not without its own issues but all of a sudden we have some difficult issues to solve but ipv4 is not one of them If anyone wants to move to a new address standard then make ipv7 128-bit ipv4 and watch it conquer the world in a few years

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